Electric Vehicle Consumer Code. Image credit: EVclicks

We have put together some guidance and useful links that we hope will be beneficial to you.

Competent Persons Scheme (CPS)

You can join a competent person scheme and self-certify chargepoint installations. This is instead of getting building regulations approval. For more on these schemes go to the government page on CPS.


Energy Networks Association (ENA)

ENA represents the Distribution Network Operators. For more information on why ENA need to be informed about low carbon technology installations and the process involved visit here.


Energy Saving Trust Scotland (EST Scotland) Domestic Chargepoint Funding 

The domestic charging funding has now closed for 2024, if you are interested in being contacted if the fund reopens then please complete the register of interest form on their website. 

If you’re a consumer who lives in Scotland, a grant of up to £300 may be available from EST Scotland.

This funding is available via two streams:

  • Rural EV owners - for applicants living in rural areas of Scotland
  • Used EV owners - for applicants who purchases their EV thorugh the Used EV Loan

To be eligible for this funding, installations must be carried out by an OZEV and EST approved installer.

You will need to make the application to EST Scotland directly and before you have your home chargepoint installed. You will not be eligible for the grant if you have already had the installation completed. 

You should go to EST Scotland’s website for more information on its grant, full eligibility criteria and how to apply.

Go to EST Scotland



EV-comply is a platform for both desktops and mobiles, for installers of EV chargepoints. It is a simple and efficient way to input, store, and manage all your customer and installation data from initial customer enquiry through to survey and installation completion. The app can be used to capture evidence, record signatures, take photos, make notes, and access training and manuals. Whether you're a sole trader, an SME, or larger, this software allows you to manage it all via one robust solution. Members of EVCC get a discount too! Get a demo and register here. 


Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

The IET’s ‘Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation’ sets out the considerations needed prior to installation of an EV chargepoint and the necessary physical and electrical installation requirements. Compliance with this Code of Practice is a requirement of the Code. The IET’s Code of Practice provides a clear overview of EV charging equipment and Code members can get a 25% discount on purchase!

The IET’s Code of Practice is available to buy here.


Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV)

OZEV is a team working across government, connected to the Department for Transport and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, to support the early market for ultra-low emission vehicles. Its website contains relevant news, research and statistics, and information on EVs, its EV Chargepoint Grant and the Workplace Charging Scheme.

Go to OZEV

The EV Chargepoint Grant

The EV Chargepoint Grant, administered by OZEV,  is for residential and commercial landlords, social housing providers or property factors seeking funding to install EV chargepoints in rental and leasehold properties, and funds a portion of the cost of eligible installations (i.e. those that meet OZEV requirements), currently up to a maximum of £350.

To access the grant, a landlord must first register. Installers approved by OZEV can then make claims for work completed on their behalf.

Landlords can receive up to 200 grants a year for residential properties, and a further 100 for commercial properties. These may be across a number of properties and installations or just for one property.

EV Grant for Households with On-street Parking 

This scheme was  launched on 18 March 2024 and runs until 25 March 2025 which  provides support for electric vehicle (EV) drivers to cover the costs of purchasing and installing EV charge points at residential properties if they also install a cross-pavement charging solution. You can receive 75% off the cost, up to £350. 

You are eligible for this grant if:

  • Own or rent and live in a residential property
  • Have adequate on-street parking as defined by your local planning and highways authority
  • Have permission from the local planning and highways authority to install a cross-pavement charging solution between your home and the approved parking space
  • Will install a cross-pavement charging solution before the charge point installation
  • Own an eligible vehicle

Guidance on  all the EV Chargepoint Grants can be found here



NAPIT, and their Technical team have produced a new ‘Top 10 Tips’ Guide to help those installing chargepoints avoid commonly overlooked errors.

Areas of focus within the guide include how to approach existing electrical installation checks, ensuring the correct earthing of chargepoints, adequacy of supply, how to alert the DNO and labelling and certification requirements.

To view the guide click here 


Which? Trusted Trader partnership

Which? Trusted Trader (W?TT), is part of the consumer champion Which? W?TT endorses traders in a wide range of sectors based throughout the UK. Consumers can access the W?TT website for free, to find local traders they can trust.

EVCC has partnered with Which? Trusted Traders (W?TT) to offer EVCC members 50% off the W?TT membership fee for their first 6 months. We are confident that this will help EVCC members get more recognition within the market.

Consumers who contract with an EVCC member, who is also endorsed by W?TT can be assured that the installer has been through a vigorous vetting process by both W?TT and EVCC. This will help the EVCC member to stand out from its competitors and in so boost their business.

Find out more about the W?TT endorsement here.